The show is open to the public from 10AM to 5PM (though some events end prior to 4pm so we suggest visiting between
10am and 3pm). There is a small admissions donation fee. Visitors to the show will have the opportunity to observe the
judging process, learn about ferret shows, meet judges, ferret owners, breeders, and shelter/rescue operators.
Visitors can also shop at the vendor tables where many ferret-related supplies, crafts, and one-of-a-kind items will
be for sale. Don’t miss out on our ever-popular Chinese Auction-style raffle table, where there are TONS of great
items up for grabs! Raffles will be drawn at 1:00 and 4:00 pm.
For the health and safety of your ferrets as well as those being exhibited, we ask that you do not bring your
personal ferrets when visiting the show hall as a non-exhibitor. All ferrets in the show hall must be checked-in
during exhibitor check-in (8:00 am – 9:30 am) and must bring the required proof of vaccination and Aleutian’s
Disease testing (see registration packet for information). No ferrets will be permitted in the show hall after
check-in closes. There are plenty of things to see and do even without your ferrets… and you can buy some special
presents for your ferrets that you can take home with you!
Never Showed Your Ferrets Before/First-Time Ferret Exhibitor?
Over the years we have heard many times that people felt intimidated about showing their ferrets or were afraid
to attend their first show. AFA wants everyone to feel comfortable coming to our ferret shows for their first time
out. You can come out to the show the first time as a visitor, or just take the plunge and enter your ferrets and
come on out! Ferret shows are not at all like the stereotype that some may hold about cat, dog, or horse shows;
ferret shows are not pretentious, they are not only for the “private bred pedigreed” animals. All ferrets can be
show ferrets! Even ferrets purchased from pet stores or rescued from shelters are eligible. We have had numerous
“Best in Show” winners be first-time ferret show exhibitors over the years!
Feel free to e-mail our registrar at if you are at all apprehensive about showing for the
first time. She will answer all of your questions and hopefully put your mind at ease. On the day of the show,
there will be numerous AFA representatives on hand, all of which will be more than happy to answer all of your questions.
We hope to see you at the show!